Disable Windows Defender Windows 10 – Windows Defender is the built-in antivirus program for Windows 10. Windows Defender will automatically activate on your computer. Windows Defender sometimes prevents certain games and apps from opening because they think it’s dangerous, so
Dangerous! Types of Computer Viruses to Watch Out for
Types of Computer Viruses – If your computer starts showing performance degradation, it could be because of a virus nesting in it. Various types of viruses could damage the operating system of the computer. Viruses are computer programs that copy
Type of Computer Memory
Type of Computer Memory – Memory is a general term that refers to any physical computing device capable of storing data either permanently or temporarily. Memory is a vital component because the performance of a computer unit is determined by
Types of Computers
Types of Computers – By now you must be familiar with the word computer. There are many types of computers in the world. Its use has become a very common thing. In everyday life, you may have interacted with a
What’s Computer Program
What’s Computer Program – A computer program (often abbreviated as a program) or processing system is a set or sequence of instructions written to perform a specific function on a computer. A program is a necessity for a computer to